Thursday, March 15, 2012

4 Steps to Achieving Organizational Bipartisanship

Bridging the gap between warring parties (or factions as they are called in organizations) is a tough managerial challenge — but one that most leaders face at some point in their careers. Here are four steps for bringing disparate parties together:
  1. Get consensus on the problem, but avoid getting into the solution right away since it's likely the source of the disagreement.
  2. Identify multiple solutions. Bring the group together to brainstorm ideas. Encourage all ideas without judgment or analysis.
  3. Assign cross-faction teams to assess solutions. This helps break down divisions while laying out the costs and benefits of each solution.
  4. Get quick wins. Take one or two of the ideas developed by the teams and implement them right away. These shared successes will build momentum for future collaboration

Source: Harvard Business Review

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