Thursday, November 15, 2012

3 Cold Call Tactics that Increase Sales

In this era of social media and web-based marketing tools, it's easy to assume the cold call is dead. But especially in the B2B market, it is still a very popular — and effective — way to make sales. Here are three ways to convert a phone call into a sale:
  1. Find a direct line. Calling the direct number for the person you are trying to reach doubles your chances of getting him on the phone.
  2. Utilize online resources. Use sites such as LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and Jigsaw to get more information about your targets or to make contact.
  3. Know the difference between persistence and annoyance. Annoying someone will not make him buy what you're selling. Be professional when reaching out: personalize each message, alternate between voicemail and email so you don't inundate, and add value or provide more information each time you call

Source: Harvard Business Review

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