Thursday, December 15, 2011

3 Tips for Controlling Your Promotion Anxiety

Being promoted can feel both rewarding and stressful. Once you're done accepting all of the congratulations, it's time to deal with all of the new expectations. Here are three tips to address the anxiety that most people feel when stepping into a new role:
  1. Prepare support. Identify a strong ally, mentor, or coach who you can lean on during the first few months on the job. Ask this person to give you honest and constructive feedback along the way.
  2. Create a plan. Lay out what you plan to accomplish in your first few months. Be realistic and set clear priorities so that you are prepared to make necessary tradeoffs.
  3. Know your limits. A new job means new responsibilities, but be honest with yourself about what's in your control and what's not

Source: Harvard Business Review

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