Thursday, April 1, 2010

Passive Income Online: The Low Hanging Fruit

I want to introduce you to a publishing business model that will generate passive income for you for years to come.

I call it the ‘Low Hanging Fruit’ system. It is quite simple, and here is what you do (keep in mind that you will need to make an investment to get a domain and hosting):

1. Use Wordtracker’s free keyword tool to find a long tail keyword. A long tail keyword, in my standard, is a keyword that gets searched in Google at least 10 to 20 times per day (300 - 600 searches a month), and has a less than 5,000 results when using the allintitle: search in Google

The tool is located at

2. Register a domain based on that keyword and get it hosted. I use because it’s a bit cheaper than Godaddy.

3. Once domain and hosting is set up, write a piece of article (around 300 - 500 words in length) for that keyword.

4. Find a way to monetize the traffic. If you are lazy, then Google Adsense will do. If you are ambitious, you can create an information product based on that keyword, or find affiliate programs that fit the traffic.

5. Submit that article to article directory sites, like,, etc.

6. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the passive income.

7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 for different keywords.

When you have mastered the “low hanging fruit” system, you should be able to pick a “low hanging fruit” everyday, and build yourself a sizable passive income.

Later on I will show you how to pick “high hanging fruits” where it does take a little bit of time to get it, but once you got it, well, it’s extra sweet!

Source from


Steve said...

Excellent advice we all need to look at as many Passive income streams as possible to free us up from the drudgery of working and being controlled by someone else.Then we can help others also escape the rat race of Active Income.I have also discovered some great Passive Income sources on my website that I will share also.
Very best regards.

ibraheem said...

Hey !!!Genuinely it's really possible to earn money online; I really felt that this website is quite impressive and a great idea to earn hundred's of Dollars daily.

azo said...

Nice tips. Hope the fruits are nice too