Sunday, November 1, 2009

Passive Income From Passive Traffic

Today I’m going to share with you a simple online publishing business you can get into for yourself to generate passive income online.

Step 1: Decide on a market/niche

As a test, I chose the wedding market (a huge market by the way) and registered (if you want to register domains, I recommend

You can go with any marketing/topic you want.

Step 2: Build the site

I used Wordpress script for pretty much all of my content sites. Just login to your cPanel (If you need an affordable hosting, try GuruCS’s $5/month web hosting) in your hosting account and use Fantastisco to click-install the wordpress script. It is really easy and you can literally have a site up under 15 minutes.

You can go with the default template that comes with the Wordpress install or you can install a different theme (for free) by going to

Step 3: Keyword Research

In the case of my wedding site, I intended to focus on “low-hanging fruits” or longtail keywords that have very little competition (competition = how many other webmasters who also have webpages focusing on the same keywords as you are).

Make yourself a list of keywords and proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Write content to incorporate your longtail keywords

If the keyword allows, use it as your article title. If not, try to incorporate your keywords inside the article itself. Remember, since these are longtail keywords, they don’t need to be “optimized” as much - I find that simply having your keyword mentioned in your article will get it ranked well in the search engines.

Step 5: Place monetization on your site

How are you going to make money from your site? In case of my wedding site, I simpled used Google Adsense program (I’m selling advertising space on my website). You may choose to sell an actual product or service (your own or affiliate). But the point is, you have to sell something.

Step 6: Promotion! Promotion! And more promotion!

This is vital to the success/failure of your site. In order to get visibility and high ranking in the search engines, you have to get noticed. There are several ways to do this and these are my favorite:

  • Browse other blogs relevant to your site and start making comments and leave your website URL behind
  • Submit the article you wrote to other article directories or blog network

Promotion activities can be very time consuming and that is why I highly recommend you use our link building service (Use the coupon code “netpassiveincome” to get a $5/month off discount).

Step 7: Reinvest and Rinse and Repeat!

Once you start making money with one site, start another!

There you have it! I know this is just an overview and I have left out a lot of “how-to” information but given the time/space constraint on my blog this is simply not possible. Would anybody be interested that I put together a PDF or video course that details how to do each of the steps? Make a comment and you shall have it when it is available.

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