Sunday, February 22, 2009

How To Get Passive Income From Internet

Before I get started, I just want to say that the title to this post is one of the many search terms that people have used in the search engines to get to my blog. So with that said, I want to remind every blog/website owners to periodically check their awstats, webalizer, or any traffic stats software that you have in your hosting package. Look into the keywords that people used to get to your website/blog, and capitalize on those.

Getting passive income from the internet is not much different from building passive income in the offline world. I always like to use the analogy of a real estate business to an online business. Yes, it is possible to build a virtual real estate business on the internet. In the real estate business, a piece of property is an asset. Much like an online property, it could be your blog or your website.

The beauty of building an asset online is that is so much easier to build when compared to building a house in the offline world. There is no excuse for not starting one right NOW if you don’t have one already. Now, there are many free blogging service providers out there such as Wordpress and Blogger, but why build on “borrowed land”? Instead, you should really “own” your own property by choosing and registering your own .com domain name, get it hosted, and spend a few minutes and a couple mouse clicks to get your own blog set up, much like the one you are reading right now. You can literally have your own online property built in 10 minutes.

Once you have your online property (ie. your blog), then you need to maintain it and increase its value by adding content to it. Be sure you provide valuable content, otherwise you’ll be wasting your time. Provide valuable content and you will get search engine love, as well as people linking back to your blog.

Don’t underestimate the value of good content. A well-written blog post or article that you have written has the potential of making you money long after it is created. However, you are not going to get anywhere if you don’t get started. So, get started with your own blog today. Always think about giving before receiving you will do quite alright on the internet.

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nahj12 said...

thanks for dropping by :)

Anonymous said...

u have food point. Blogging still could be another asset since the property in offline world not a good time to invest

Anonymous said...

it's hard to get money on internet